Rapture's Day & Hour

Pierre Bittar

December, 2020

After reading what Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 "No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.” People cannot understand how Jesus, who is God, doesn’t know the day or the hour of His coming for the Rapture at the end of the age. This might confuse many and should therefore be explained.

Christ who is the Word of God became human through His birth from the blessed virgin Mary. Having God as Father, He was both human and divine. In other words Jesus was not yet fully divine. This is clarified in Luke 2:52 "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with GOD and man.”

Therefore when JESUS was asked by His disciples in Matthew 24:3 "Tell us, when this will happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age”, Jesus was not yet aware of the day and the hour hence He responded: "no one knows. not even the Son himself”. However, after Jesus' death and resurrection His full divinity revealed to Him the exact day and hour of His coming at the end of the age. Of course Jesus kept his secret and, when He met His disciples after His resurrection, He simply declared to them about His divine authority as we can read in Matthew 28:18: “I have received all authority in heaven and on earth.”

The Life of Our Lord
Introduction 1 - The Annunciation 2 - The Birth of Jesus 3 - Flight into Egypt
4 - At the Temple with Doctors 5 - The 4 First Disciples 6 - The Marriage in Cana 7 - Jesus Resurrects a Widow's Son
8 - Feeding 5000 People 9 - The Last Supper 10 - Betrayal by Judas 11 - The Humiliation of Jesus
12 - Crucification and Death 13 - The Resurrection of Jesus 14 - The Ascension Spreading the Word

Video Interview (2011)

Pierre painting in his Studio

Christian Faith Survey
The Poor in Spirit
Praise the Lord
Discover Who Is God
The Year of the Rapture
URGENT Jesus asks your help
How Busy is Our God?
Which Rapture Will it Be?
Come to Me; Jesus says
WOW! We Are That Chosen Generation
What Heaven Looks Like?
God's Plan in Three Parts
Pedophilia & End Time Church Apostasy
QUIZ - Are you Humble?
LOVE JESUS and you will be SAVED
The Gospel's Good News
Rapture's Day & Hour
A Cosmos Map
A Faith Obstacle
A Message for Salvation
Who Are We?
Faith Through Miracles to Millennials and Faith Seekers
A Message of Reconciliation with God
The Truth About God through Biblical Verses
Don't Let Doubt Steal Your Faith
A Believer's Creed
Comprehend the Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity Revealed Through a Painting
The Holy Trinity Explained Though a Visual Example
The Human Trinity Now and in Eternity
Could Judaism, Christianity & Islam Agree on One God?
Are We God's Cells?
Should We Evangelize and Why? Can We Do It and How?
Christ Before and After His Incarnation
My Belief in God
How Can We Be Born Again?
Christ from Eternity to End Time Slideshow

Video Presentation (2018)

Christ from Eternity to End Time


Urgent Warning (2018)

This video has a very important inspired message that everyone must know.


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Copyright Pierre Bittar: French Impressionist Artist